The feast of the Negritos of Huánuco dates back to the time of the Colony, when Spanish priests taught the children of the Negroes to dance in honor of the child Jesus and worship him. "Then temples and houses were visited as a gesture of faith and love to the mystery of the birth of the Son of God and this tradition was maintained during the Republic, in the Huanuqueño haciendas"

That is why it is the most important date of our region, because the different brotherhoods of black people start their departures from the 24th in the night to the 19th of January making visits to the stewards and local institutions to dance in honor of the child Jesus that each of them possesses. Currently Huánuco has about 130 confraternities of the black people of Huánuco

This year we have a special edition heading into 2024 for the commemoration of the Two Hundred Years of the Battles of Junin and Ayacucho. In coordination with the Special Bicentennial Project this Festival has been called. "Bicentennial Edition."
